Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jimmy Carr, Paul Auster and some others

Some quotes from various places that come to mind today.


I wrote down some of my favourite lines from Jimmy Carr while listening to a few of his stand-up shows this week. It's almost a shame to quote him in print as the way he delivers the punchlines with such a straight face is a big part of what makes him so hilarious, but still a lot of them are pretty funny even when just read as they are. Some of my favourites:

I've got no problem buying tampons. I'm a modern man. But apparently, they're not a "proper present".

I worry about my nan. If she's alone and falls, does she make a noise? I'm joking, she's dead.

What is it about being blind that makes you walk the dog all the time?

If we are all God's children, what is so special about Jesus?

I don't know much about art but I know what I like... boobies!

Osama Bin Laden, officially the world's greatest hide and seek player.

My girlfriend said she wanted me to tease her, so I said "Alright, fatty."

Last week I was asked to judge Mr. Gay UK. I said; "It would be my pleasure. He's against nature, against God and he's going to hell."

They say there's safety in numbers... yeah, tell that to 6 million Jews.

Simon Cowell spends £500,000 a year on his personal safety... has he considered being less of a cunt?

The best thing about being British is our ability to laugh at ourselves. And by "ourselves" I mean others and by "laugh at" I mean invade.

My girlfriend wanted 'the history chat'. You know, about 3-6 months into a relationship, where you tell her your entire sexual history. So I told her about who I lost my virginity to, and everyone else up to and including her. I should have stopped there.

I hate those emails where they try to sell you penis enhancers. I got 10 the other day. Eight of them from my girlfriend. It’s the two from my Mum that really hurt.


"I don't like Arabs, I like white people." Denisa, a girl I met in Brussels a few weeks ago. This just struck me as a very funny thing to say to someone you've just met 20 minutes ago.


"Life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead." Homer Simpson


"The only 'normal' people are the ones you don't know very well." Alfred Alder

Thanks Heather :)


I watched I Heart Huckabees last night, there are some great dialogues in it:

Little girl: Jesus is never mad at us if we live with Him in our hearts.
Tommy: I hate to break it to you, but He is, He most definitely is.

Albert: Brad, I've thought about chopping your head off with a machete many times.
Brad: I've thought about hacking you up with an axe Albert, and smashing your face in with a baseball bat.

Albert's Dad: God gave us oil! He gave it to us! How can God's gift be bad?
Tommy: I don't know. He gave you a brain too and you messed that up pretty damn good.


A few favourite lines and passages I wrote down from Moon Palace by Paul Auster:

He was looking for oblivion, he said, trying to drown in a degradation that would equal the loathing he felt for himself.

I had jumped off the edge, and then, at the very last moment, something reached out and caught me in mid-air. That something is what I define as love. It is the one thing that can stop a man from falling, the one thing powerful enough to negate the laws of gravity.

1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome :)

    I love the last two from Moon Palace. I'm going to have to read that when I have some extra time.
